Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Daniel's Five Dollar Ramen Goodness

When I first made this, Daniel would not even try it.
He just thought "Cabbage? NO WAY!"
The next time I made it, the smell just pulled him in and after one bite, he was hooked!
Now, he calls it "Daniel's Five Dollar Ramen Goodness"

What makes this such a great recipe is it's flexibility - You can add whatever you want to change things according to your tastes.

First we just started with one onion and one head of cabbage sauteed in olive oil and salt, pepper, and garlic

Now, we also add chicken chunks (I apologize if the combination of those two words completely grosses you out. Some words just should never be said together, especially if one of the words is "chunks") or canned chicken.

If you just sautee all of these ingredients, it will be pretty good...and healthy... but if you do the next step, it will be even more delicious!

We found that breaking up 2 packages of Oriental Flavor Ramen with the seasoning packets into a large ziplock bag, then adding the chicken to that, helps spice up the chicken.
Plus, after you dump the ramen bag into the pan of sauteed vegetables, and cook for just a little more, your cabbage will have quite the kick!

The best part is that if you already have left over chicken laying around, this surprisingly filling meal, can cost less than a couple of bucks!

1 comment:

Jess said...

...picture looks good...and i don't even usually like cabbage...might have to try it. :)