Sunday, July 11, 2010

Mexican Inspired Crepes

So I just returned from an amazing vacation in Cancun, Mexico with my husband.

Isn't it beautiful?

2 tickets to paradise! - snorkeling, playing in the waves, drinking Pina Coladas on the beach, waiting for our taxi driver to return from making a drug stop
(Yeah. He totally stopped to buy drugs while he was driving us into town! Not to mention he left us in the running car with his 2 year old. He must have had lots of faith we wouldn't kidnap him. or just loved drugs more than his kid. ha)

Anyway, our resort had a crepe bar and Daniel and I hit that maybe 3 or 4 times! They were SO delicious and SO expensive!
At about $9 each you get a crepe the size of a pizza slice filled with Nutella and drizzled with chocolate.
That's like as much as going to Cafe Rio or getting pizza, breadsticks, and sauce at Little Ceasers!
Oh just thinking about how much money we spent on those just KILLS me!

So upon arriving home, I decided to try it out myself. I could probably make at least 20 crepes with $9 worth of ingredients!

They are a lot smaller than what we had in Mexico, but since I don't have a crepe pan, I had to make them in just my ordinary large skillet.


Wisk together 2 eggs, 1/2 cup milk, and 1/2 cup water.


Melt 2 tablespoons butter and let cool until it is cool but still melty. VERY IMPORTANT! Wisk into liquid mixture.


Wisk in 1/4 teaspoon vanilla, and 1/4 teaspoon salt.


Sift in 1 cup flour little by little wisking between additions.

Heat a skillet or large flat pan and lightly grease.
Pour about 1/4-1/2 cup batter onto pan and tip pan around so the batter gets spread in a thin circle.
After about 1-2 minutes, flip.
They should have creamy tan color when done.

Place on plate and top with fruit, Nutella, cream cheese, sugar butter, or even vegetables.
These things are so versitale.

We made some filled with Nutella, and drizzled with chocolate syrup as well as some filled with a strawberry cream cheese filling.

Experiment and let me know what you love best!


Anonymous said...

Looks so good! Sounds like you guys had so much fun!

Daniel said...

I'll vouch that these tasted as close as you can get to the ones at the resort. Nutella filled with chocolate sauce on top is the best....

Jessica said...

Looks delish! mmm. Thanks for the recipe. Cute couple.